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Event Related Model

    ERM is a new technology that makes possible dynamically changing the map objects' properties as a result of certain player's (including computer) actions.

    All usual maps are played as before.

Some changes are included automatically as expansion of game (new artifact). Others require the specially "prepared" maps with support ERM.

    1. New Artifact

    A new artifact called - "Magic Wand" has been added. You cannot simply drag it from the map editor's object toolbar but you can copy it from the sample map included in the download package. Also you can use its number 141 just as for any other artifact. The Magic Wand can be put in any of the miscellaneous slots(1-5). When put in slot one it randomly transforms head and neck artifacts at the beginning of each day. When in slot two it affects right and left hands (swords and shields), in slot three - rings, in slot four - feet and torso and when in slot 5 it transforms shoulders and slot four artifact. Composite artifacts and their parts are not affected. Magic Wand cannot create new artifacts in empty slots either. The probability for a particular artifact to appear depends on its value. You will have to wait very long for some of them. Disabled artifacts cannot appear at all.

ERM AddOn does not affect regular maps while an ERM map, which is automatically recognized,turns on new features, provided that it follows correct syntax. If the map being loaded contains ERM elements a message box will appear: "ZVS: Event Related Model has been found. Enabled."

To utilize the new capabilities of the AddOn in your map you need to create one or more timed events. The only event's property that matters is its message. The rest is redundant. The message must begin with the tag ZVSE. It may be preceded by space or CR symbols only. Whatever follows the ZVSE tag will be parsed and searched for ERM statements.

All statements can be divided into triggers, receivers and instructions.

    2. Universal format.

    All Triggers, Receivers and Instructions share common format:
Header [:Body] ;
    Optional elements in square brackets. In particular triggers have no Body. Header contains information about what kind of object it denotes: Trigger(T), Receiver(R) or Instruction(I), also it contains optional information whether the object executable. Body contains executable ERM commands, according to type of the object ( R or I ).
    Header has following format:
!{?|!|#}AB [ Identifier ] [ Conditions ]
    Select only one element from elements in braces separated by '|'( '?','!','#'- means T,R,I accordingly ). String 'AB' defines - type of the T,R or I (see later). Identifier - number denotes object. Conditions - conditions of "execution" of the following Body for R and I or all R-s for T. If there are no Conditions, then T, R, I executes "unconditionally".
    Identifier has following format:
    Symbols 'N' mean decimal numbers, number of which depends on type T, R, I (see later).
    Conditions have following format:
    Symbol '&' separates numbers in Conditions from Identifier. Execution can depend on Conditional Flags (CF) (there are 10 of them). If you want make T, R or I dependent on some CF, you should write it number (from 1 to 10) between these numbers. If flag number is positive, then condition is - "if flag set", if negative, then - "if flag is not set".
    Body has format, depending on type of T, R, I (see later).
!!LE10/33/1&1/-2/5:F5 R4 B2/3;
    This is a Receiver of type LE (event on map) with coordinats X=10, Y=33, Level=Underground. Receiver Body has 3 commands: F, R and B (see. LE Receiver). These commands (Body) would be executed only if at the execution moment 1-st and 5-th of the CF would be set but 2-nd would be not set. Otherwise Body won't execute.

    3. Triggers and Receivers

Whenever a player activates a trigger it causes some actions on one or more receivers. At the present moment only an event (located on the map) can be a trigger. The properties of the trigger event do not matter. The action of the trigger must be described in a timed event

Triggers syntax:

!?LE#1/#2/#3; Event on the map can be Trigger. Contents and features of the Event are not significiant. It won't be changed. It is used as Event Trigger only. #1- X position of the Event on the map, #2- Y position on the map, #3- level (0-ground, 1-Underground). This Event has to exist in that position on map
!?GE#; This is "global" event with number #. # - should be first in the Event text. It WON'T APPEAR later in message text in the game. Example. Text " 1230 There you are!" transforms to "There you are!" with number 1230

        Here (and below) we assume: # - means decimal number which value used directly, $ means number #, or in combination d#, prefix d means that sum of # and the previous value. Example. First Event day was 5-th. Set new day (option F$) F6. Now the day is 6-th. If we use Fd6, then the new day would be 5+6=11. Similar, combination c# means, that value # would be added to the current day (beggining from 1 taking care of weeks and month). The same Example. If current day 14-th, then Fc6 evaluate to 14+6=20, Fcd6 or Fdc6 evaluate to 14+5+6=25. Thus, we have following combinations: for $ {#,d#,c#,cd#,dc#} and for # {#,c#}.

Receivers are following after Triggers.Syntax is the following:

!!GE#:XXXX; Receiver is global event on the map (# - number of event).
!!LE#1/#2/#3:XXXX; The Event in the specified position on the map.
!!CE#:XXXX; the Event in a town(# - number of event).This is the number, which should be first in the text of the appropriate event. It won't appear in the text of the message.
!!MO#1/#2/#3:XXXX; The monsters in the specified position.
!!AR#:XXXX; Artefact or resource. (# - number of art/res). This is the number, which should be first in the text of the appropriate art/res. It won't appear in the text of the message.
!!HE#:XXXX; The hero number of # (see Format H).
!!IF:XXXX; Management of conditional flags (GRM).

     XXXX - command line (options) having syntax, specific to the given type the receiver. The line can contain spaces.

    Options for ALL receivers:

Z0 The receiver is considered to be "switched on" that is it accepts all the Instructions from the current moment. From the very begining all the receivers are"switched on".
Z1 The receiver is "switched off" that is it does not accept all the instructions from the current moment.
Z2 The condition of this receivers is inverted.
Z3 To restore the previous condition of the receiver (The depth of the memory is one level).
Z4 The trigger - is an equivalent of this receiver is"switched on" that is its receivers starts work. From the very begining all the triggers are"switched on".
Z5 The trigger - is an equivalent of this receiver is"switched off" that is its receivers does not work.
Z6 The condition of the trigger (equal the current receiver) is inverted.
Z7 To restore the previous condition of the trigger(equal the current receiver).The depth of the memory is one level.

    Example.The following ERM text is given:
Imagine, the trigger GE1 occures (it is allowed) then com1 depends on the previous condition of receiver LE1/2/0; com2 and com3 will be executed, Z5 forbids the trigger LE1/2/0; com4 and com5 won't be executed including that Z4 does not let trigger. Further, if the trigger GE2 executes earlier and let the trigger LE1/2/0 than the trigger LE1/2/0 itself,the last will be allowed and its receivers will execute.In different case -they won't.

    GE Receiver Options:

M^TEXT^ Set message text to TEXT. The text's length must not exceed the original one. It may contain any symbols except ^.
M#Set message text to that of the timed event number #.
M-1Do not show the message on the screen.
F$Set day of first occurence to $.
R$Set the interval between successive occurences to $.
B#1/$2 Set the amount of resource #1 (from 0 to 6) to $2 (may be negative).
E$ Set players allowed to activate the event. (see Format E) If $ begins with d that means bitwise OR, i.e. you can allow a player to activate the event without changing the other permissions.
Example. E3 allows red and green and bans all other. Ed3 allows red and green but does not change permission for the other players.
N$ Set players NOT allowed to activate the event. (see Format E) If $ begins with d that means bitwise AND with inversion, i.e. you can forbid a player to activate the event without changing the other permissions.
Example. N3 forbids red and green and allows all other. Nd3 forbids red and green but does not change permission for the other players.
H#Apply event to human players if # = 1.
Q#Apply event to computer players if # = 1.

LE Receiver Options:

M^TEXT^ Set message text to TEXT. The text's length must not exceed the original one. It may contain any symbols except ^.
M#Set message text to that of the timed event number #.
M-1Do not show the message on the screen.
G#1/$2/$3 set the guardian monster in position #1 (from 0 to 6) of type $2 and number $3. This only saves the guardians but does not turn them on.
X# Turn the guardians on if # is non-zero, otherwise turn them off. The check for the presence of the guardians is not made. So it must be set by G#1/$2/$3 option or preset with the map editor.
R#1/$2Set the amount of resource #1 (from 0 to 6) to $2 (may be negative).
E$Set experience to $.
P$Set spell points.(may be negative).
O$Set morale.(from -3 to 3).
U$Set luck (from -3 to 3).
F#1/$2/$3/$4 Set four primary skills.
N#1/$2/$3 Set secondary skill $2, level $3 (0 = basic, 1 = advanced, 2 = expert) in position #1 of the table of secondary skill given by the event. You can only CHANGE the skill present by another one. If there is no skill in that position it will not be set.
A#1/$2 Set artifact $2 in position #1 of the table of artifacts given by the event. You can only CHANGE the artifact present by another one. If there is no artifact in that position it will not be set.
S#1/$2 Set spell $2 in position #1 of the table of spells given by the event. You can only CHANGE the artifact present by another one. If there is no artifact in that position it will not be set.
C#1/$2/$3 Set a "gift" monster in position #1 (from 0 to 6) of type $2 and number $3.

CE Receiver Options:

M^TEXT^ Set message text to TEXT. The text's length must not exceed the original one. It may contain any symbols except ^.
M# Set message text to that of the timed event number #.
M-1Do not show the message on the screen.
F$Set day of first occurence to $.
R$Set the interval between successive occurences to $.
B#1/$2 Set the amount of resource #1 (from 0 to 6) to $2 (may be negative).
E$ Set players allowed to activate the event. (see Format E) If $ begins with d that means bitwise OR,i.e. you can allow a player to activate the event without changing the other permissions.
Example. E3 allows red and green and bans all other. Ed3 allows red and green but does not change permission for the other players.
N$ Set players NOT allowed to activate the event. (see Format E) If $ begins with d that means bitwise AND with inversion, i.e. you can forbid a player to activate the event without changing the other permissions.
Example. N3 forbids red and green and allows all other. Nd3 forbids red and green but does not change permission for the other players.
H#Apply event to human players if # = 1.
Q#Apply event to computer players if # = 1.
C#1/$2Set a "gift" monster of type $2 in position #1 (from 0 to 6).
U# Build building number # (from 0 to 40) (see Format U).
D# Do NOT build building number # (from 0 to 40) (see Format U).

MO Receiver Options:

M^TEXT^ Set message text to TEXT. The text's length must not exceed the original one. It may contain any symbols except ^.
M#Set message text to that of the timed event number #.
M-1Do not show the message on the screen.
A$Set reward artifact to $.
B#1/$2 Set the amount of resource #1 (from 0 to 6) to $2 (may be negative)
G$Set the amount of monsters to $.
O#if #=1 then the amount of monsters won't grow, differently - will be.
U#if #=1 then the monsters don't escape, differently - can escape.
R#if #=1 then the monsters will always battle, differently - they will always ask to accept them.

AR Receiver Options:

M^TEXT^ Set message text to TEXT. The text's length must not exceed the original one. It may contain any symbols except ^.
M#Set message text to that of the timed event number #.
M-1Do not show the message on the screen.
G#1/$2/$3 Set the guardian monster in position #1 (from 0 to 6) of type $2 and number $3. This only saves the guardians but does not turn them on.
X# Turn the guardians on if # is non-zero, otherwise turn them off. The check for the presence of the guardians is not made. So it must be set by G#1/$2/$3 option or preset with the map editor.

    Artefacts and resources share common ERM numbering.

HE Receiver Options:

O$Change the hero's owner ($ = color).(see Format E1)
P$1/$2/$3 Move hero to X = $1, Y = $2, level = $3.
I$Set spell points.
X#(...) Change hero's specialty. (see below). # from 0 to 6. The amount of other parameters depends on a type of specialization #.
U$1/$2/$3 Change hero's patrol position and radius. Patrol position will be set to X($1), Y($2) (the level is fixed). The radius will be set to $3 ("set free" if $3 = -1).
C#1/#2/$3/$4 change monsters. If #1 = 0 then in position #2 the existing monsters will change to $3(type)/$4(number). If $3 = #3 = -1 then monsters will be upgraded. If $3 = #3 = -2 then monsters will be downgraded. If #1 = 1 then all monsters #2 will turn into $3(type)/$4(number).
S#1/$2 set secondary skill #1 in level $2 (0 = none, 1 = basic, 2 = advanced, 3 = expert). You can set even all(!) secondary skills (28 altogether) but only the first eight will show.
A# Gives/remoes an artifact. # is the artifact's number (see Format A1). If # > 0 the artifact will be added to the hero's backpack. If # < 0 removes the artifact from all slots.
M#1/$2 Gives spell #1 (see Format SP) at level $2 (0 = none, 1 = basic, 2 = advanced, 3 = expert).
F$1/$2/$3/$4 Set primary skills.

Syntax X options for HE receiver:

0/$To give to a hero a secondary skill $ (see. Format SS)
1/$To make the hero by the master of creatures $(and possibly $+1) (see. Format C).
2/$To generate the resources $ each day. (see. Format R).
3/$To give to the hero a spell $ (see. Format SP).
4/$1/$2/$3/$4 Another way to make the hero by the master of creatures $1(and possibly $1+1) (see Format C). $2 - bonus of monster's attack, $3 - bonus of monster's defense, $4 - bonus of monster's damage.
5/#Set hero's additional speciality (see Format AD).
6/$1/$2/$3 Upgrade of creatures type $1 and $2 ($1+1 and $2+1 possible as well) to creatures type $3. Upgrade's price is counted as difference between the prices of the creatures(if its more than zero:-)

     For "couple" creatures (basic and improved) in case we changed the first,the second will be also changed.

     In the line options should not be separated by other symbols and may be repeated with the last canceling all the previous. The same receiver can occur several times. There might be comments between trigger's and receivers' descriptions.

IF Receiver Options (Gamer Related Model):

M^TEXT^ Show the message (TEXT) on the screen IMMEDIATELY. The message (TEXT) may contain any symbols except ^.
Q#^TEXT^ Ask the player a question (TEXT) IMMEDIATELY. The answer (Ok=1, Cancel=0) is put into conditional flag # (from 1 to 10). The message (TEXT) may contain any symbols except ^.
V#1/#2 Set conditional flag #1 (from 1 to 10) at once in the meaning #2 (1 or 0).
AXXXX Set all 10 flags at once. The line XXXX consists of 10 zeroes and ones. Example:A0100010000 - set all conditional flags into 0 but the second and six. At the beginning of game all the flags set into zero.
SXXXX Set the pointed out of the ten flags.The line XXXX consists of 10 zeroes and ones. Example:S0100010000 set the secondand the six into one,the rest are not changed.
RXXXX Set off the pointed out flags.The line XXXX consist of 10 zeroes and ones. Example:R0100010000 set the second and six into zero,the rest are not changed.

    4. Instructions.

Instructions are the AddOn directives executed immediately after the map is loaded. They have the following syntax:
where XXXX is the instruction type and YYYY is its options, symbol #is the symbol itself.

The type of instruction XXXX:
Collection of instructions are fully equal to the collection of receivers. Syntax is just the same but two first symbols.
Examlpe: We have receiver !!LE1/2/3:G5/2/3; its fully analogue as the instruction will be the following !#LE1/2/3:G5/2/3;
Instruction (in a difference from receivers) can take place in any space.

ZVSE Event Related Model
!?LE3/1/0; Trigger Event at 3x1x0
!!GE2:F3R1; Shift the day of first occurence and set the frequency for event #2.
!!GE3:F3R2; The same for event #3

For the event at 4x1x0 change the message text, give 100 experience, remove 100 spell points
boost morale and luck, give 100 ore and 100 gold, +1 attack, +2 defence, +3 spell power ш +4 knowledge.

For the same Event change the 1st and the 2nd (counting from 0) secondary skills, the 1st and the 2nd artifacts, the 0th and the 1st spell, give three monsters.
For the same Event set guardians in the 3rd, 5th and 0th position, then remove from the 0th position and turn the guard on.
!?LE4/1/0; Another trigger.
!!GE100:F2R0; The corresponding receiver. (event #100)

Currently ERM maps can only be replayed by reloading the map. "Replay Scenario' in system options works incorrectly.

It is not good to change the "owner" of the hero. But some times it may take place for some purposes. You can experience this actions.

Format E. The colours of the players (bits).

Each color is coded by one bit. The colours:
For example, blue, green and purple would be 2+8+32=42

Format E1. The colours of the players.

red = 0
blue = 1
tan = 2
green = 3
orange = 4
purple = 5
teal = 6
pink = 7

Format U. Buildings.

The same buildings for all towns
0-Town Hall 1-City Hall 2-Capitol 3-Fort 4-Citadel
5-Castle6-Tavern7-Blacksmith 8-Marketplace9-Resource Silo

Some numbers of buildings also coincide.They are placed in the table for everyone cities for convenience.

10-NOT USED11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-NOT USED
18-Lighthouse19-Brotherhood of the Sword
20-Stables21-NOT USED
22-Guardhouse23-Upg. Guardhouse
24-NOT USED25-Archers' Tower
26-Upg. Archers' Tower27-NOT USED
28-Griffin Tower29-Upg. Griffin Tower
30-Griffin Bastion31-Barracks
32-Upg. Barracks33-NOT USED
34-Monastery35-Upg. Monastery
36-NOT USED37-Training Grounds
38-Upg. Training Grounds39-Portal of Glory
40-Upg. Portal of Glory
10-NOT USED11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-Mage Guild level 5
16-NOT USED17-Spirit Guardian
18-Mystic Pond19-Fountain of Fortune
20-Treasure21-NOT USED
22-Centaur Stables23-Upg. Centaur Stables
24-NOT USED25-Dwarf Cottage
26-Upg. Dwarf Cottage27-Miner's Guild
28-Homestead29-Upg. Homestead
30-NOT USED31-Enchanted Spring
32-Upg. Enchanted Spring33-NOT USED
34-Dendroid Arches35-Upg. Dendroid Arches
36-Dendroid Saplings37-Unicorn Glade
38-Upg. Unicorn Glade39-Dragon Cliffs
40-Dragon Cliffs
10-Artefact Merchants11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-Mage Guild level 5
16-NOT USED17-Skyship
18-Library19-Wall of Knowledge
20-Lookout Tower21-NOT USED
22-Workshop23-Upg. Workshop
24-NOT USED25-Parapet
26-Upg. Parapet27-Sculptor's Wings
28-Golem Factory29-Upg. Golem Factory
30-NOT USED31-Mage Tower
32-Upg. Mage Tower33-NOT USED
34-Altar of Wishes35-Upg. Altar of Wishes
36-NOT USED37-Golden Pavilion
38-Upg. Golden Pavilion39-Cloud Temple
40-Upg. Cloud Temple
10-NOT USED11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-Mage Guild level 5
16-NOT USED17-Deity of Fire
18-Brimstone Stormclouds19-Castle Gate
20-Order of Fire21-NOT USED
22-Imp Crucible23-Upg. Imp Crucible
24-Birthing Pools25-Hall of Sins
26-Upg. Hall of Sins27-NOT USED
28-Kennels29-Upg. Kennels
30-Cages31-Demon Gate
32-Upg. Demon Gate33-NOT USED
34-Hell Hole35-Upg. Hell Hole
36-NOT USED37-Fire Lake
38-Upg. Fire Lake39-Forsaken Palace
40-Upg. Forsaken Palace
10-NOT USED11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-Mage Guild level 5
16-Shipyard17-Soul Prison
18-Cover of Darkness19-Necromancy amplifier
20-Skeleton Transformer21-NOT USED
22-Cursed Temple23-Upg. Cursed Temple
24-Unearthed Graves25-Graveyard
26-Upg. Graveyard27-NOT USED
28-Tomb of Souls29-Upg. Tomb of Souls
30-NOT USED31-Estate
32-Upg. Estate33-NOT USED
34-Mausoleum35-Upg. Mausoleum
36-NOT USED37-Hall of Darkness
38-Upg. Hall of Darkness39-Dragon Vault
40-Upg. Dragon Vault
10-Artefact Merchants11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-Mage Guild level 5
16-NOT USED17-Guardian of Earth
18-Mana Vortex19-Portal of Summoning
20-Battle Scholar Academy21-NOT USED
22-Warren23-Upg. Warren
24-Mushroom Rings25-Harpy Loft
26-Upg. Harpy Loft27-NOT USED
28-Pillar of Eyes29-Upg. Pillar of Eyes
30-NOT USED31-Stilled Voices
32-Upg. Stilled Voices33-NOT USED
34-Labyrinth35-Upg. Labyrinth
36-NOT USED37-Manticore Lair
38-Upg. Manticore Lair39-Dragon Cave
40-Upg. Dragon Cave
10-NOT USED11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
16-NOT USED17-Warlord's Monument
18-Escape Tunnel19-Гшыьфшя Нрхьэых Ррсютэшъют
20-Ballista Yard21-Hall of Valhala
22-Goblin Barracks23-Upg. Goblin Barracks
24-Mess Hall25-Wolf Pen
26-Upg. Wolf Pen27-NOT USED
28-Orc Tower29-Upg. Orc Tower
30-NOT USED31-Ogre Fort
32-Upg. Ogre Fort33-NOT USED
34-Cliff Nest35-Upg. Cliff Nest
36-NOT USED37-Cyclops Cave
38-Upg. Cyclops Cave39-Behemoth Lair
40-Upg. Behemoth Lair
10-NOT USED11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
16-Shipyard17-Carnivorous Plant
18-Cage of Warlords19-Glyphs of Fear
20-Blood Obelisk21-NOT USED
22-Gnoll Hut23-Upg. Gnoll Hut
24-Captain's Quarters25-Lizard Den
26-Upg. Lizard Den27-NOT USED
28-Serpent Fly Hive29-Upg. Serpent Fly Hive
30-NOT USED31-Basilisk Pit
32-Upg. Basilisk Pit33-NOT USED
34-Gorgon Lair35-Upg. Gorgon Lair
36-NOT USED37-Wyvern Nest
38-Upg. Wyvern Nest39-Hydra Pond
40-Upg. Hydra Pond
10-Artefact Merchants11-Mage Guild level 1
12-Mage Guild level 213-Mage Guild level 3
14-Mage Guild level 415-Mage Guild level 5
16-Shipyard17-Aurora Borealias
18-Magic University19-NOT USED
22-Magic Lantern23-Upg. Magic Lantern
24-Garden of Life25-Altar of Air
26-Upg. Altar of Air27-NOT USED
28-Altar of Water29-Upg. Altar of Water
30-NOT USED31-Altar of Fire
32-Upg. Altar of Fire33-NOT USED
34-Altar of Earth35-Upg. Altar of Earth
36-NOT USED37-Altar of Thought
38-Upg. Altar of Thought39-Pyre
40-Upg. Pyre

If you will build level "N" of Magic Guild - the level "N-1" will be also built.

Format H. List of Heroes' id's.

0 Orrin 1 Valeska 2 Edric 3 Sylvia
4 Lord Haart 5 Sorsha 6 Christian 7 Tyris
8 Rion 9 Adela 10 Guthbert 11 Adelaide
12 Ingham 13 Sanya 14 Loynis 15 Caitlin
16 Mephala 17 Ufretin 18 Jenova 19 Ryland
20 Thorgrim 21 Ivor 22 Clancy 23 Kyrre
24 Coronius 25 Uland 26 Elleshar 27 Gem
28 Malcom 29 Melodia 30 Alagar 31 Aeris
32 Piquedram 33 Thane 34 Josephine 35 Neela
36 Torosar 37 Fafner 38 Rissa 39 Iona
40 Astral 41 Halon 42 Serena 43 Daremyth
44 Theodorus 45 Solmyr 46 Cyra 47 Aine
48 Fiona 49 Rashka 50 Marius 51 Ignatius
52 Octavia 53 Calh 54 Pyre 55 Nymus
56 Ayden 57 Xyron 58 Axsis 59 Olema
60 Calid 61 Ash 62 Zydar 63 Xarfax
Death Knights
64 Straker 65 Vokial 66 Moandor 67 Charna
68 Tamika 69 Isra 70 Clavius 71 Galthran
72 Septienna 73 Aislinn 74 Sandro 75 Nimbus
76 Thant 77 Xsi 78 Vidomina 79 Nagash
80 Lorelei 81 Arlach 82 Dace 83 Ajit
84 Damacon 85 Gunnar 86 Synca 87 Shakti
88 Alamar 89 Jaegar 90 Malekith 91 Jeddite
92 Geon 93 Deemer 94 Sephinroth 95 Darkstorn
96 Yog 97 Gurnisson 98 Jabarkas 99 Shiva
100 Gretchin 101 Krellion 102 Crag Hack 103 Tyraxor
Battle Mages
104 Gird 105 Vey 106 Dessa 107 Terek
108 Zubin 109 Gundula 110 Oris 111 Saurug
112 Bron 113 Drakon 114 Wystan 115 Tazar
116 Alkin 117 Korbac 118 Gerwulf 119 Broghild
120 Mirlanda 121 Rosic 122 Voy 123 Verdish
124 Merist 125 Styg 126 Andra 127 Tiva
128 Pasis 129 Thunar 130 Ignissa 131 Lacus
132 Monere 133 Erdamon 134 Fiur 135 Kalt
136 Luna 137 Brissa 138 Ciele 139 Labetha
140 Inteus 141 Aenain 142 Gelare 143 Grindan
Extension Heroes
144 Sir Mullich 145 Adrienne 146 Catherine 147 Dracon
148 Gelu 149 Kilgor 150 Lord Haart 151 Mutare
152 Roland 153 Mutare Drake 154 Boragus 155 Xeron

Format SS. List of Secondary Skills.

0 Pathfinding 1 Archery 2 Logistics 3 Scouting
4 Diplomacy 5 Navigation 6 Leadership 7 Wisdom
8 Mysticism 9 Luck 10 Ballistics 11 Eagle Eye
12 Necromancy 13 Estates 14 Fire Magic 15 Air Magic
16 Water Magic 17 Earth Magic 18 Scholar 19 Tactics
20 Artillery 21 Learning 22 Offence 23 Armorer
24 Intelligence 25 Sorcery 26 Resistance 27 First Aid

Format А1. List of Artifacts Numbers.

0 Spellbook 1 Spell Scroll
2 Grail 3 Catapult
4 Ballista 5 Ammo Cart
6 First Aid Tent 7 Centaur Axe
8 Blackshard of the Dead Knight 9 Greater Gnoll's Flail
10 Ogre's Club of Havoc 11 Sword of Hellfire
12 Titan's Gladius 13 Shield of the Dwarven Lords
14 Shield of the Yawning Dead 15 Buckler of the Gnoll King
16 Targ of the Rampaging Ogre 17 Shield of the Damned
18 Sentinel's Shield 19 Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn
20 Skull Helmet 21 Helm of Chaos
22 Crown of the Supreme Magi 23 Hellstorm Helmet
24 Thunder Helmet 25 Breastplate of Petrified Wood
26 Rib Cage 27 Scales of the Greater Basilisk
28 Tunic of the Cyclops King 29 Breastplate of Brimstone
30 Titan's Cuirass 31 Armor of Wonder
32 Sandals of the Saint 33 Celestial Necklace of Bliss
34 Lion's Shield of Courage 35 Sword of Judgement
36 Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment 37 Quiet Eye of the Dragon
38 Red Dragon Flame Tongue 39 Dragon Scale Shield
40 Dragon Scale Armor 41 Dragonbone Greaves
42 Dragon Wing Tabard 43 Necklace of Dragonteeth
44 Crown of Dragontooth 45 Still Eye of the Dragon
46 Clover of Fortune 47 Cards of Prophecy
48 Ladybird of Luck 49 Badge of Courage
50 Crest of Valor 51 Glyph of Gallantry
52 Speculum 53 Spyglass
54 Amulet of the Undertaker 55 Vampire's Cowl
56 Dead Man's Boots 57 Garniture of Interference
58 Surcoat of Counterpoise 59 Boots of Polarity
60 Bow of Elven Cherrywood 61 Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane
62 Angel Feather Arrows 63 Bird of Perception
64 Stoic Watchman 65 Emblem of Cognizance
66 Statesman's Medal 67 Diplomat's Ring
68 Ambassador's Sash 69 Ring of the Wayfarer
70 Equestrian's Gloves 71 Necklace of Ocean Guidance
72 Angel Wings 73 Charm of Mana
74 Talisman of Mana 75 Mystic Orb of Mana
76 Collar of Conjuring 77 Ring of Conjuring
78 Cape of Conjuring 79 Orb of the Firmament
80 Orb of Silt 81 Orb of Tempestuous Fire
82 Orb of Driving Rain 83 Recanter's Cloak
84 Spirit of Oppression 85 Hourglass of the Evil Hour
86 Tome of Fire Magic 87 Tome of Air Magic
88 Tome of Water Magic 89 Tome of Earth Magic
90 Boots of Levitation 91 Golden Bow
92 Sphere of Permanence 93 Orb of Vulnerability
94 Ring of Vitality 95 Ring of Life
96 Vial of Lifeblood 97 Necklace of Swiftness
98 Boots of Speed 99 Cape of Velocity
100 Pendant of Dispassion 101 Pendant of Second Sight
102 Pendant of Holiness 103 Pendant of Life
104 Pendant of Death 105 Pendant of Free Will
106 Pendant of Negativity 107 Pendant of Total Recall
108 Pendant of Courage 109 Everflowing Crystal Cloak
110 Ring of Infinite Gems 111 Everpouring Vial of Mercury
112 Inexhaustible Cart of Ore 113 Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur
114 Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber 115 Endless Sack of Gold
116 Endless Bag of Gold 117 Endless Purse of Gold
118 Legs of Legion 119 Loins of Legion
120 Torso of Legion 121 Arms of Legion
122 Head of Legion 123 Sea Captain's Hat
124 Spellbinder's Hat 125 Shackles of War
126 Orb of Inhibition 127 Vial of Dragon Blood
128 Armageddon's Blade 129 Angelic Alliance
130 Cloak of the Undead King 131 Elixir of Life
132 Armor of the Damned 133 Statue of Legion
134 Power of the Dragon Father 135 Titan's Thunder
136 Admiral's Hat 137 Bow of the Sharpshooter
138 Wizard's Well 139 Ring of the Magi
140 Cornucopia 141 Magic Wand
(142-Mired in Neutrality)(143-Ironfist of the Ogre)

Format SP. List of Spells.

Adventure Spells
0-Summon Boat1-Scuttle Boat
2-Visions3-View Earth
4-Disguise5-View Air
6-Fly7-Water Walk
8-Dimension Door9-Town Portal
Combat Spells
10-Quicksand11-Land Mine
12-Force Field13-Fire Wall
14-Earthquake15-Magic Arrow
16-Ice Bolt17-Lightning Bolt
18-Implosion19-Chain Lightning
20-Frost Ring21-Fireball
22-Inferno23-Meteor Shower
24-Death Ripple25-Destroy Undead
28-Air Shield29-fire Shield
30-Protection from Air31-Protection from Fire
32-Protection from Water33-Protection from Earth
36-Magic Mirror37-Cure
38-Resurrection39-Animate Dead
46-Stone Skin47-Disrupting Ray
56-Frenzy57-Titan's Lightning Bolt
64-Remove Obstacle65-Clone
66-Fire Elemental67-Earth Elemental
68-Water Elemental69-Air Elemental

Format R. List of Resources.

Wood = 0
Mercury = 1
Ore = 2
Sulfur = 3
Crystal = 4
Gems = 5
Gold = 6

Format C. List of Creatures.

4-Griffin5-Royal Griffin
14-Centaur15-Centaur Captain
16-Dwarf17-Battle Dwarf
18-Wood Elf19-Grand Elf
20-Pegasus21-Silver Pegasus
22-Dendroid Guard23-Dendroid Soldier
24-Unicorn25-War Unicorn
26-Green Dragon27-Gold Dragon
28-Gremlin29-Master Gremlin
30-Stone Gargoyle31-Obsidian Gargoyle
32-Stone Golem33-Iron Golem
34-Mage35-Arch Mage
36-Genie37-Master Genie
38-Naga39-Naga Queen
46-Hell Hound47-Cerberus
48-Demon49-Horned Demon
50-Pit Fiend51-Pit Lord
52-Efreeti53-Efreet Sultan
54-Devil55-Arch Devil
56-Skeleton57-Skeleton Warrior
58-Walking Dead59-Zombie
62-Vampire63-Vampire Lord
64-Lich65-Power Lich
66-Black Knight67-Dread Knight
68-Bone Dragon69-Ghost Dragon
70-Troglodyte71-Infernal Troglodyte
72-Harpy73-Harpy Hag
74-Beholder75-Evil Eye
76-Medusa77-Medusa Queen
78-Minotaur79-Minotaur King
82-Red Dragon83-Black Dragon
86-Wolf Rider87-Upgr.Wolf Rider
88-Orc89-Orc Chieftain
90-Ogre91-Ogre Mage
94-Cyclops95-Cyclops King
96-Behemoth97-Ancient Behemoth
98-Gnoll99-Gnoll Marauder
100-Lizardman101-Lizard Warrior
102-Gorgon103-Mighty Gorgon
104-Serpent Fly105-Dragon Fly
106-Basilisk107-Greater Basilisk
108-Wyvern109-Wyvern Monarch
110-Hydra111-Chaos Hydra
112-Air Elemental
113-Earth Elemental
114-Fire Elemental
115-Water Elemental
116-Gold Golem
117-Diamond Golem
120-Psychic ElementalMagic Elemental
122-NOT USED (1)123-Ice Elemental
124-NOT USED (2)125-Magma Elemental
126-NOT USED (3)127-Storm Elemental
128-NOT USED (4)129-Energy Elemental
132-Azure Dragon
133-Crystal Dragon
134-Faerie Dragon
135-Rust Dragon
145-Catapult (speciality X1)
146-Ballista (speciality X1)
147-First Aid Tent(speciality X1 :-)
148-Ammo Cart (speciality X1 :-)
149-Arrow Towers (speciality X1 :-)

Format AD. List of Specialities.

X5/2 - All creatures receive +2 speed. (Sir Mullich spec.)

If you are interested in ERM abilities you can help us a lot taking part in our project by yourselves and creating the maps and the campaigns with ERM support. Send them to us!

Thank you for reading this text and we apologize for possible mistakes. Please inform us about it - we'll correct them at once.You can also help us to make this text "more English" and send to us improved it (in the current format).

HMM3.5 Team

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